THANK you.

It is getting cold out there. Even though it happens every year, it seems to take awhile to adjust to the cool days and dark nights. Yet, this time of year reminds me of the simple things I am grateful for... a warm place to live, blankets, winter hats and warm hugs.
Brian LaViolette
After our simple needs are met, we are able to reflect on other aspects of our lives we are grateful for.

Through Brian's Foundation, we are blessed to work with a lot of amazing individuals. Many we communicate with on a regular basis and some our paths may cross only once, but they remain in our hearts. We have the privileged to work with many families and be a small part of their lives.

Working with schools worldwide, we experience eye-opening cultures and the differences in each. The recipients we assist and inspire warm our hearts on these cool nights.

 Our family is so, very thankful.